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Joint Photographic Experts Group Image  |  2005-02-15  |  76KB  |  680x510  |  16-bit (6,328 colors)
Labels: crt screen | daily | reckoner | sculpture | sky | tree | tribute album
OCR: Cost Repair Maintenance Replace broken glass Less than one percent of the glass in most buildings experience glass breakage but ir buildings where this IS an issue student dormitories educational facilities, buildings in high crime areas) the architect and building owner may want to consider dual glazing 01 reduce life-cycle costs When sealed insulating glass broken the entire unit must he replaced If sealed insulating glass with simulated lights Is required to match the appe arance of a historic window it is wise to order extra 'attic' stock that the sash and glass can be replaced quickly when glass 1S broken Tie dual glazing system offers an advantage in its provision 10 immediate protection from the elements Due to the large air space between the panes dual- glazed window it is less com ...